Connecting, encouraging and equipping members to advance authentic Christianity everywhere, to the glory of God.

India Missions responding to Covid19

We recently heard from our IFBC Missions partner in India – Sindhumini P., and how he and his wife are responding to the Covid19 lockdown. Listen to a portion of what he has to say:

“Until now my wife and I have been under lockdown orders, yet we have managed to get permission to distribute relief for many of our families suffering greatly. We have been able to distribute food, clothing and sanitization items (Masks and Towels) to 528 families. There are as many as 700 more that could desperately use our help.”

We give God the praise for these dedicated and sacrificing servants who are doing what they can to meet these needs.  Will you join with us in prayer for them, the people they serve, and those they are trying to reach with the Gospel. Nothing is too difficult for God.