Missions Report from the Philippines – May & June 2022
MAY of 2022
On May 7th we had a wonderful family thanksgiving fellowship at one of our dearest members of the Tarlac HIFBC Molave church. It was a family thanksgiving because their long-time head of the family was finally employed by a government agency. As a means of thankfulness to God a celebration was held with the whole congregation. Incidentally, his wife is also a faithful supporter of an outreach cell group in the church.
May 8th we were in HIFBC Banaoang West Mocncada, Tarlac, for a special visit. We were there to place Genero Gamas as the interim pastor, as the assigned pastor – Rev. Ursenio Javier, has been having severe health problems for some time, and is needing to step down for a while. By the way, Pastor Javier at 77 is the oldest pastor. And he along with his wife have been traveling on a single motorcycle great distances (80 kilometers each way) to their assigned church.
On May 15th we were in HIFBC Iba San Jose Tarlac, to attend the anniversary of this church. Truly this church had grown very fast over the past two and a half years. This church has had a great impact on the community of Iba San Jose Tarlac. Some of our young adult members are teachers with high ranks and serving at government schools located there and more of our young people are school students with honors. This is an excellent testimony to our church and to the community there. Glory to God.
On May 19th we baptized 20 souls at HIFBC Matatalaib, Tarlac City. Pastor Judy Bajana is the assigned pastor. One of the candidates is an American from New York City, who has been staying in the country for a long time. His name is James Francis G. Dyer Jr. Glory to God.
On May 20th we had our monthly GMCT sessions, and our main concern to address was the age and health of pastor Ursenio Javier. We established guidelines about how long a pastor may hold an assignment and we come up with 65 years. However, that can be extended up to 70 years of age depending upon the health of the pastor. Reaching the age of 65 or 70 and above, the pastor may continue to serve or engage in any kind of church ministry but not hold an assignment of leading a local church. The retired pastor may serve as a short time as a missionary; or continue his/her positions in the national kinds of ministry; or may be appointed to a new office of the national administration. We also reviewed our implemented agendas and up dated them for follow ups.
Some of my personal volunteerism ministry is engaging as a facilitator to our ECC partners. We are conducting trainings and seminars to different churches and denominations. The trainings are to Train and Multiply the Church, as a part of Langham Preaching Club for pastors and leaders of the church.
We are praying for our projects here at the Bible School but only as funds are available. We must raise funds again for materials needed to complete all the unfinished projects. Special needs: I need also to raise funds for four brand new tires and some funds for yearly car registration. I do really need help for this cause. Lastly, praise God for the new laptop computer. I am still in need of a desk and especially a copy machine. One or the other would be greatly appreciated.
Okay, I guess that is all for the month of May 2022. Thank you so much for your unfailing full support to us, Philippine Field.
Brother in Christ,
Richard P. Kawi
- IFBC IBA Thanksgiving
- IFBC Banaoang Church Visitation
- IFBC Train & Multiply at Plaride Bulacan
- Langham Preaching Club